Alex is at: Kimbolton School, Cambridgeshire, England.
Roger MacBride, Libertarian Candidate for President, Petition from 1975, which was
not filled out and so not turned in. One of the few not filled, of the many circulated, by
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, MacBride Chairman for West Los Angeles.
January 27 - Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, then News Letter Editor for the West Los Angeles
Libertarian Party, makes this flyer for the meeting later that month.
Dr. Demento Flyer produced by Melinda
November 23 - Alexander George Francis Drogo Montagu, 10th Duke of Manchester,
Alex's grandfather, died. Since there is no record of Montagu's having finished
school it is possible his disgusted family, likely his mother, had allowed him to
enlist in the military, who gratefully allowed him to leave at this time.
Alternatively, he could also have left school at this point, simply changing
the story as having left the military.
January 27 - Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, then News Letter Editor for the West Los Angeles
Libertarian Party, makes this flyer for the meeting later that month.
Dr. Demento Flyer produced by Melinda
November 23 - Alexander George Francis Drogo Montagu, 10th Duke of Manchester,
Alex's grandfather, died. Since there is no record of Montagu's having finished
school it is possible his disgusted family, likely his mother, had allowed him to
enlist in the military, who gratefully allowed him to leave at this time.
Alternatively, he could also have left school at this point, simply changing
the story as having left the military.
1979 - John Fund gets his first job as a political operative working for Ed Crane and the
Kochs to gain control of the Libertarian nomination for president.
May - Adoption
of Carolyn Anne by
Dr. and Mrs.
Pillsbury Future
April 11 - Flyer for a fundraiser at the home of Jeff Mandell to benefit the campaign of Earl Smith, a Libertarian candidate for mayor of Los Angeles.
Summer - Melinda Pillsbury-Foster and Janice Vargo take a trip to Northern
California to visit family and see friends from the Libertarian Party. Stopping in
Sacramento they meet John Fund, who has promised them a tour of the Capitol.
John uses the occasion to ask Melinda to have her brother, Charles Arthur Pillsbury,
who is a Legislative Assistant and in law school at Davis, to get him a job.
Melinda later learns from her brother John contacted him directly and told him he
was her boy friend.
Fund begins an internship with Evans and Novak.
September 29 – BARTEAUX - Law Suit against RLB, Senior, by the State of California, Substitution. Dunne, Phelps, Mills, Smith & Jackson is handing the case over to Comstock & Comstock Case No. BKG 6526 926
Dan Dougherty runs for governor in California as a Libertarian.
The next summer Candidate Dan signs these Certificates for the All Stars
Game, played at the yearly Barbeque - Fundraiser put on by the San
Fernando Valley
Region of the LPC, then called Region 11.
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster produced the flyers, and organized the
barbeque, which was a fundraiser for their local slate of candidates. She
served as campaign manager for all the campaigns and ran herself for 20th
State Senate.
Solvency Day Contest Flyer
Solvency Day Roast - Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
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