Tuesday, February 17, 2015

1993 - 2002


May 7 -Viscount Mandeville marries Wendy Buford, with whom he has been 
                   living for some time.  The couple are already engaged.  Wedding takes place at 211
                  W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, 92701 Orange County, California.  A business
                  associate  of   Alex’s, John McDonald, acted as witness. 
Marriage Certificate

8th – BARTEAUX - Died:  Richard Lee Barteaux, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
                15 -  Born:  Alexander Michael Charles David Drogo Montagu, Alexander Junior,
                    to the Viscount Mandeville and his wife, Lady Wendy Montagu.

January 17 – Northridge Earthquake

The first of the five jobs held by Montagu  was driving the shuttle Wyndham 
              Hotel in Costa Mesa,
in late 1994. The couple lived within walking distance. Alex,
              Jr. was less than a year old and Wendy was working full time and taking care of
              the household when she came home. This job lasted about a month, according to
              Wendy,  who remembers he was excited about the tips. She also noted losing the
              job was never his fault. H
e showed no sense of having failed. 
The Roger MacBride Memorial Convention for the Republican Liberty Caucus.
Roger, an old friend of Melinda's, who had asked me to put on the next convention because he had concerns about Eric Rittberg, who now calls himself Eric Dondaro. He wanted to know the organization would become effective. I agreed.
Roger died suddenly on March 5th of '95. At the convention in October we kicked off with a memorial service for him, something the movement seemed to simply forget.

Morgan did no substantial work on the convention but desperately wanted to be there to meet people. She lit on Eugene Volokh as the best solution to her lack of job skills and went after him like gang busters.
- John asked Melinda to have her kids look him up if they are in New York.  And remember, he says to her.  "They should call me Uncle John." 

Morgan calls me up in the spring and demanded I help her hook Eugene by writing literate and intelligent emails for her. After several hours of being harangued, I agreed. The two were soon a couple.

July 1 -   Brown & Associates”
                              Firm retained by Craig Franklin to handle the IRS problems.  Franklin
                            refused to give them the information they needed and so the retainer paid
                            was wasted.  Melinda was not informed of this action on Franklin's part.  

             The second Montagu job began, lasting two weeks and involved scraping
barnacles off boats in Newport Harbor. Wendy had to drop him off and pick him up.

August  9 - Papers are filed for Montagu v. Stoner divorce 
Application for Non-Payment of Filing Fees   September 27 -Alex, at the insistence of his mother, Lady Mary Montagu, agrees to cooperate in a  divorce from his first wife, Marion Stoner Montagu. He has been bigamously married to Wendy Buford Montagu for over three years.
                      Although ordered to do so by his mother Alex does not repair matters and remarry Wendy.
Record of Proceeding/Outcome Sheet 

October   28 - Divorce becomes  absolute
                              Certified Divorce Decree

December 1 -  Franklin PayStubs.” Exhibit includes check still attached with .00 as
amount paid. Exhibit shows three garnishments from taxing authorities
'DD'  in amounts year to date of $18,365.42, $26,099.18, $128,416.18. 
Second page 6/15/93 pay statement with voided check with the 
garnishment noted and signed by O'Dowd, these facts are referenced herein 
as though set forth in full. 


January - I discovered, and solved the problem of Craig's inability to file his taxes, thus saving the family from financial ruin. Divorcing and destroying me is the sort of thing a psychopath does to say, 'thanks.'  As you can see, Craig and Morgan had a lot in common.  

Morgan immediately tried to take credit for solving the IRS problem, as always, She had nothing whatsoever to do with it. She did come up occasionally as she was anxious to know I would be able to move her from the house in North Hills, then being sold, to an apartment in West Los Angeles so she could continue her campaign to marry Eugene.  

I later learned she had also begun claiming credit for my achievements during my years of political activism.    

February 4 - Letter to the IRS from Melinda Pillsbury-Foster threatening a law suit 
under the Americans with Disabilities Act, dated July 26, 1990, of 
A.D., 1990.

April 26 -  Letter from Dr. Marquart”
                             Letter written by Dr. Marquart, a psychologist in Southern California,  to 
                             the IRS stating that Craig Franklin cannot file his tax returns because he is 
                             emotionally impaired.  I believe Craig is a psychopath.  Hecould disprove 
                             this by taking the Hare Index.  I dare him to.  
May -        Chronology of Tax Liens from 1987 - 1997

September 11 – 20 Melinda and Dawn are at the cabin cleaning up after the floor which took out the ceiling on the first floor.

September  13  - Alexander, Viscount of Mandeville,  and Wendy, Viscountess of Mandeville,
                    attend the memorial service for Diana Princess of Wales at  St. James Episcopal
                    Church in Los Angeles. There, they become acquainted with Michael  Jackson,
                    who returns with them to their hotel room to visit with the family, which then
                    includes their young son, Alex. Viscount Alex photographs Michael playing with
                    young Alex in their hotel room at the Hyatt Regency.

September 27th Arthur Edward, son of Melinda Pillsbury-Foster and Craig Franklin, was nearly killed in a motorcycle accident. Morgan came up to get a check for $5,000, a number which is clearly significant to Craig Franklin, at the ISU at Cottage Hospital, Goleta, California, not even glancing at her brother, still in a coma. Morgan's 'allowance' was $5,000 a month during this period.  This is the same amount he pays women to be available for sex, curiously. 

At the time I was in New Orleans at a NFRW convention, due to go on to New Hampshire to research the book I was then writing, Echoes from the Singer of Songs. The book was never finished. My life was changed completely and forever.

What did would not know until the facts seeped back to me over the next several years were these. My husband, Craig, had married me because I was useful to him in multiple ways and had three beautiful daughters. Craig's fantasies focused on incestuous relations with girl children who he would rape and betray.

Ayn and Dawn came home from school, Ayn from Michigan and Dawn from SLO, to be at his bedside.  

Otherwise, no one in the family saw Morgan until she dropped in to pick up her Christmas presents just before Christmas.

It was during this time Craig asked her to find him a divorce attorney and Morgan located Jacqueline Misho for him. 

Because the company, Green Hills Software, Inc., for which he was Senior Vice President was poised to go public an opportunity had opened up to profit and gain sexual access to our daughters, who he had insisted on adopting when we married in 1989.

Craig cut a deal with the President of the company, Dan O'Dowd and hired our daughter, Morgan to assist him in leaving me so he could live out his sexual fantasies. These included her.


January 1 - 23- Checks written by Melinda for household expenses during this

January 18 - Substitute Stock Option Agreement, January 1998,”  written by Ruth 
                                   Fisher, Esq.,   Bar No. 93769 for Dan O'Dowd, President of Green Hills 
                                   Software, signed this date.
                                   Craig and Dan agreed to a 'Throw Mama from the Train" scheme to 
                                   deny Melinda stock options and Dan's partner, Glenn Hightower, a fair 
                                   share of the company.  Morgan was an insider on this, Melinda later 
January 22 - Citation for Conservatorship,”  issued by the Superior Court of Santa 
                                  Barbara, Case No. 222783, Judge Thomas R. Adams, Dated January 22,
                                 1998, naming her as conservator for her disabled son, Arthur. 

March 12 - Thursday - Craig called and asked if Arthur could have lunch with him. After I picked him up he was depressed, angry and remote. I learned only after Arthur was recovering, several years later, Craig had him, still struggling with his radically changed life, that he would be better off dead if he had to live with me, the only person willing to care for him.

This was a substantial change from our previous relationship. Over the next few days I grew increasingly alarmed at the change in Arthur and arranged for him to go into a program for depression. I agreed to allow him to spend the weekend with Ron Foster and extracted the promise from Ron he would never be left alone.

22 - Sunday – I get a call from Ron telling me Arthur has shot himself through the brain. I later learned Ron had ignored his promise entirely, allowing Arthur to go where ever he pleased with NO supervision. Ron had left the house to get Taco Bell for Breakfast without ensuring the guns he kept out were locked away. 
March 28 - Morgan calls Melinda at the hospital and tells her she needs a heart
                              transplant, attempting to persuade her to turn off Arthur's life support.  
                              This is a flat lie.  She was paid $10,000 to do this by Craig Franklin, who
                              made the payment as noted as 'for her heart problem.'   He was well aware
                              Morgan had no such problem.   This has to have been one hardest moments                                    of my life.

This payment is mentioned in a conflict between Franklin and Morgan.
Franklin wanted to be repaid as Morgan was not able to ensure her brother did not survive.   
I refused. Arthur lived, but it took three years for him to walk again, something I was told would never happen.

June 5 - Inventory of Property in House, ordered by the Court. Exhaustive inventory
                itemizing all items in the marital house. 

June 9 - A
record is created through Network Solutions for the URL

June -  Declaration by Doug Greene 
Declaration itemizes lies told to Doug by Morgan. 

July 5 - Letter to Scott Franklin from Melinda 
                          Melinda reminds Scott of his previous behavior which made it impossible to
                          trust him with the other children.  

September - Eugene wised up and broke off his relationship with Morgan. 

17 - Documents from law suit filed by Glenn Hightower against Dan    O'Dowd.
Annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit 7, Nos a, b., c, d, and e, are true and exact copies of the originals in my possession of the following court documents:
[a.] Glenn Hightowervs. Daniel O'Dowd, Case No. BS 053127, Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles, September 17, 1998, DECLARATION OF WAYNE B. WEISMAN FILED BY APPLICANT GLENN HIGHTOWER IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION”
This case goes on until late in 1999. Hightower has refused to talk to Melinda, probably because of the terms of the settlement foisted on him.

October - Morgan accompanied my former husband to New York, London, and Paris. From the moment she demanded Arthur's heart until September 1999 she never called me though she knew I was essentially blind and struggling to care for Arthur and myself.  


January 25 -   Rumor Mill News comes on line.  Rayelan is living in Watsonville,
California, a middle class development outside of Santa Cruz.

March -  Ayn Declaration, 1999,”
                 Declaration by Melinda's daughter, Ayn, which includes testimony of abuse
                 of Melinda by Franklin. 

March 8 -  MORGAN - Record of Abortion
The abortion took place March 8, 1999 at Pacifica Women's Health Care in
Los Angeles.

Melinda calls John Fund to ask if there is any truth to the rumor he is dating Morgan. John tells Melinda he has a steady girl friend and it is definitely NOT Morgan. He adds she lives near him and he is watching her cat for her while she is out of town.

May 5 - Letter to Mr. Clark from Prudential Insurance
Craig continually stole my mail, or had it stolen and changed the address for 
bills to be received as a form of harassment.  Melinda was told this was
standard operating procedure for Misho Clients and the informant believed 
Misho instructed them in how to do this. 

June 16 -Born:   Ashley Faith Maxine Nell Beatrice Montagu (Ashley), in Aliso
               Viejo, CA at the time of her birth. Daughter of Alexander, Viscount of Mandeville
               and his wife, Lady Wendy Montagu.

The third job Montagu job.  Alex is driving a limo for a company whose name
              was something like “Five Star Limo.” This ended after less than a month when he
              ran over someone's foot, according to Wendy.

July 1 [d.] “Glenn Hightower vs. Daniel O'Dowd, Case No. BS 053127, In the Court of Appeal of the State of California, Second Appellate District, REMITITUR,” Copy of original order, opinion or decision entered in the above-entitled cause of July 1, 1999 and that this order, opinion or decision has now become final, signed by Joseph A. Lane, Clerk, September 3, 1999. Opinion Hightower is likely to prevail if there is proof of unlawful action by O'Dowd.

August 16 - Divorce Judgment, August16,1999,” From the Superior Court of Santa 
Barbara from of Melinda's divorce from Craig Franklin, Case No. 222675. 
Awarded stock, to be paid for by Franklin, she never received it.   

December 15 -
[b.] “Glenn Hightowervs. Daniel O'Dowd, Case No. BS 053127, Superior Court                              of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles, HIGHTOWER'S OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR ORDER DISSOLVING PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION, December 15, 1999, Filing Date September 2, 1998; [c.] Glenn Hightower vs. Daniel O'Dowd, Case No. BS 053127, Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles, RESPONSE TO OBJECTION TO (PROPOSED FIRST MODIFIED INJUNCTION, December 15, 1999; September 17, 1998

[e.]AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION No. 72Y 180 0960 98,” a true and exact copy of the originals that are in my possession, which is a series of documents generated by the law suit filed by Hightower against Dan O'Dowd over O'Dowd's exercise of their sudden death partnership agreement on January, 1998. Decision that unlawful action is not proved.  

September -  The Weasel Search Tape
                         Melinda was not speaking to Morgan because she had discovered  Morgan was being paid $5,000 a month to slander and libel her by her then husband,  Craig Franklin. 
                        Morgan, who had left California when Craig also tried to climb into bed with her, had set her sights on John Fund, who was not cooperating.  Melinda did not believe her when she called, asking for help.  During their lively discussion Morgan put Melinda on hold  and  answered the call from John, then coming in.  She then played this for Melinda who was shocked an old and trusted friend would lie to her.  Melinda should have done nothing, she now realizes. 

October - Morgan Pillsbury – Franklin Transcript
                   Morgan calls and records Craig Franklin admitting to fraud during his divorce from Melinda. Craig is in Georgia at the time, attending a libertarian conference where they will let him play his guitar and sing.     
October 27 -
Fax to the Wall Street Journal
                               John refuses to answer Melinda's questions.  Within 90 seconds this
                               fax is headed to the WSJ central receiving point.  Melinda is later told it 
                               was copied at least 5 times before hitting Fund's desk.   
November 9 - Rumor Mill News is now consistently online and looks like THIS
November 28 -  Arthur Foster Medical Letters,” These document the permanence of 
                                the disabilities resulting from two major brain injuries.  


February 9 - Law suit - Pillsbury-Foster v GHS, Inc., Daniel O'Dowd, Jacqueline 
                        Misho, and Does 1 – 100, Superior Court of the State of California, County of Santa Barbara, Case No. 233136, 2
nd Amended Complaint for (1) Battery, (2) Fraud/Conspiracy to commit Fraud (3) Declaratory Relief a true and exact copy of the original that is in my possession, which was filed by Porter against GHS and principals. 

December - January 2001
                       Phone Bill from NYC Apartment, Rivergate 
                       John Fund calls one of his girl friends while staying with Morgan at Melinda's apartment in New York at the Rivergate on 34th Street. 

February 22 - Morgan Pillsbury Deposition, ”in the matter of  Case No. 233136. 
                            The suit was settled before Morgan could read the deposition and certify it as true and accurate.  It was therefore illegal for it to be given out.  

February 30 - GREEN HILLS SOFTWARE  Power of Attorney-  presented as providing Melinda with absolute protection.

March 1 - Green Hills Software Settlement Agreement  

May 23 -  Franklin Complaint  - Morgan Bankruptcy

May 24 - Loan Document: Morgan
                  Morgan was asked to go to Santa Barbara and meet Craig in the office of 
Jacqueline Misho, Craig's attorney.  There, he demanded she sign a loan agreement for the money he had already paid her for assisting him to destroy Melinda.  

July - Morgan moves in with John at his apartment in Jersey City.
August 27 - Morgan Response to Craig's suit on her bankruptcy 

September -  Carol Divine Molin - A Republican Woman Activist.  
                        Molin calls Melinda to tell her Morgan is in grave danger if she stays with Fund.  We later discover she has a very brief fling with Fund and wants this to be renewed.  

November 12 - Charges of  domestic violence in Jersey City, 2001

November 16 -
Legal Correspondence and Expense, Talk Magazine

November 22 -  IM dialog between Matt Drudge and "John Fund," actually Morgan 

December 4   Morgan's rejection of coerced statement


January 4   Wedding arrangements 
                      Melinda was not thrilled, but Morgan cannot be dissuaded.

January 13   - JOHN FUND - Correspondence with Michele Davis 
                      Michele was clearly in John's sights, either as support and or as a possible love interest. 

January 13, 2002 -  John Fund Email exchange with Gail Heriot 
                                    Gail's Face Book     Gail Heriot's Website    Gail Heriot

                16 -  Announcement wedding will not take place
                17     Correspondence with Michele Davis
                18 - Email from Gail Heriot to John Fund on the cancellation of the wedding.
                19 -  Email to Morgan documenting gift of checks  

January 21 -  Email from Christine Reis Hall to John Fund, offering to provide, with her friend, Julie Currie, opposition research on Morgan and Melinda.  See link to understand this newly wedded Christian's special relationship with John.

January 30 - Email from Lloyd Grove, also known as GroveL, stating Morgan had
                        supplied him with a photo, which she had not done.  

February 21, 2002 -
Police Report, 2002, New York

Early 2002 -  Deposition by Manuel Klausner regarding the Blumenthal lawsuit

                         E-mail message from the woman in question to Professor Gail Heriot of
the   University of San Diego School of Law. 
                         This email was likely sent to Herriot by Morgan, who never mentioned her habits to Melinda  

May 14 - ARTICLE from the  Village Voice  by Cynthia Cotts, titled,  "John Fund: Hope of Freedom." 
                Melinda was briefly in NY and accompanied Morgan to the interview with Cotts at a local restaurant.   

June 8 - RuthlessPeople.com goes up, paid for by Melinda to defend Morgan. 

July 4 -  Email response from Alterman July 4, 2003
                           Having failed to contact Morgan or Melinda before writing a hit piece on her 
                           Alterman blows off the objections received.   

        25 - Died:  Angus Charles Drogo Montagu, 12th Duke of Manchester, at age 63 
                       Alex succeeded to the titles of 16th Earl of Manchester, co. Lancaster, title of
16thViscount Mandeville, 13th Duke of Manchester, 16th Baron Kimbolton of 

The fourth Montagu job began while the couple was living in Irvine in early
 2002. Alex became a security guard for
Nordic Security and drove a patrol car wearing a standard uniform. Excited by this, he became very wrapped up in the job.                                                      According to Wendy, Alex decided he was actually a police officer, buying extra
uniforms in addition to a pair of handcuffs.
              The handcuffs were used on Wendy, one evening as Alex dragged her down the
hallway, bruising her badly during a disagreement. He lost the job because of an altercation while on patrol at a movie complex area in Lake Forest.
               Wendy understood the event which ended this employment was an altercation
 with a woman manager at the Movie theater and the manager's boyfriend. Alex did
not confide in her further except to say he needed to break up a fight. He told Wendy he was shoved and hurt on the job, evidently this resulted in a claim for workman's compensation. Wendy believes the job lasted perhaps, a month.

September 23 - RuthlessPeople as it appeared on this date. 

2002 -  Fall John Fund Deposition, NY 

November 2002 - Morgan calls Melinda to ask about the identity of U-Day, wondering if it is
                       something like EBay.  She is assured this is a person and not a website. 

As it turns out, the job of subcontracting to keep Saddam Hussein in Iraq is being handled by Sidney Blumenthal for the Clintons.  This, and not payment  for speaking engagements, if most likely the source of their sudden affluence. 
                       For the longer story buy a copy of GREED - The NeoConning of America.  
                       When John begs for support Cheney and Rove will have more reasons to oblige.  
[Well, I wrote the book using what I had discovered about the corruption of Dick Cheney and his minions. I regretted writing it because it erroneously portrayed Morgan as heroic, which she never was.  It took me four months to write it which certainly could have been much better used. But there was a learning curve, and eventually I would realize the behavior exhibited by the psychopathic could be recognized.  Today, August 8, 2924, I am much better informed on these issues.  See LifeStealers.net

December 7th
BARTEAUX - Saturday Died: Walter Dean Barteaux

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